January 9 2025
- Debby Leiker
- Susan Bartholomew
- Fitz Hardiman
- John Secore
- Lucinda Rowlands
1. Welcome and Introductions
- Meeting called to order by Debby at 8:30am
2. Approval of Previous Minutes
- Minutes from Nov. 2024 were verbally reviewed and approved. There was no meeting in December in lieu of the Holiday After Hours.
3. Treasurer’s Report
- Susan presented a written report of the current finances. A full report is on file.
- Invoices to unpaid members without working email addresses will be generated in Membership Works and mailed out with a letter asking them to log into the website and update their profile.
4. Committee Reports
- Fitz presented a report on the state of the Visitor Center.
- The VC received $1,000 from Town of Trenton
- Gateway’s 501c3 status has probably been revoked because it was not renewed.
- Spoke to Stephen Balick in November to discuss having a Sprint Spruce Up day
- Suggestion was made to contact Cindy Richards’ garden club regarding planting perennials out front on same day scouts are working.
- Discussion was tabled regarding what it would take to dismantle and remove the existing structure.
5. Old Business
- Website work is substantially finished. Now Debby and Lucinda are making fine adjustments to settings
- 2 sets of renewal emails have been sent to the membership that is past due. So far, 16 members have renewed. Renewal emails will continue every 7 days +/- until further notice.
- 2 sets of “how to” emails have gone out to entire membership, a third is planned. Another email will go out to all members asking them to refer new businesses and get them to sign up. No financial incentive will be included at this time.
- A “membership level” of “partner” will be created for individuals and establishments like the Visitor Center.
- “Steuben” needs to be added to the website as a coverage area
6. New Business
- It was restated that having a paid director position would be desirable. Discussion was tabled.
7. Announcements
- No new announcements
8. Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 10:00am.